Thursday 21 February 2013


Today was the first tutorial of EDN113. Again another new class room, new people and a new tut teacher, Tomaz. We did a few things including a survey to find out a bit about each other and also a discussion/debate about Facebook.

We decided as a group whether a) Facebook would die in 5 yrs., b) Facebook will die in 10 years c) Facebook will never die.

This was an interesting discussion... Majority of the group was in B. Including my self! I choose this group because its hard to think that this social site that i am unfortunately addicted to will die in 5 years.... But also because not everything lives for ever. When i had myspace i though 'Ew i will never join Facebook, and i will never leave Myspace!' But as all my friends started joining Facebook, i then conformed and joined to. Mainly for the fear of being left out and the need to be up to date with everyones personal life!

So who knows the exact date Facebook will end? No one i suppose. But in the the future I'm sure one day it will fade away, when some thing bigger, better and more interesting comes along. But for now, and the next few yrs. i can happily say that i will still be a Facebook member!


Wednesday 20 February 2013

My first Blog

So its my first week at Uni... So far so good! Im studying to become a Primary School Teacher :) Im doing four units, Knowing Nature, Mathamatics for teaching, Language and Learning and of corse Living and Learning with Technology (EDN113). Living and Learning with Technology will be what this Blogs all about! This is my first blog so be easy on me! Ill try and make it as interesting as possible!