Saturday 18 May 2013

Feelings Towards Task 3

This being the third task i think it has become a bit easier. I was more aware of what i had to do and what i needed to have done. Although i have done similar things in task 1 and 2 task 3 included some elements that were very different such as the wiki.

There was a few moments when i did get confused on what was required. In the marking guide it says 5% of the mark goes towards the blog but in the lecture it was said it wasn't needed and in the peer reviews we didn't mark their blogs either? So i am still unsure if this blog is needed for task 3. I thought its best to be safe than sorry and i have included a few blog posts for task 3 as well.

This task was very group involved it was good as the work load was spread around and that made it less stressful. It was also good working in a group with such smart people! My group is very helpful and always gives time to help each other out!

I found the task a little bit stressful at times and frustrating when i couldn't wrap my head around certain elements such as the Wiki at the start. It was also time consuming! Lots of time had to be allocated to this task for meeting with group members at the library so we could work together. Although it was time consuming its lucky i really enjoyed working with my group!

This was the last task for the semester and now its time to prepare for exams. Considering all the task have been online I'm not to sure how the exam will be structured but hopefully that is discussed in the next lecture an tutorial. I am very much looking forward to the semester break and i cannot believe how fast semester 1 has gone!

Challenges During Task 3

We encountered only 1 main challenges during this task. Grant became very ill suffering from appendicitis and spend a week in the hospital. We were a member down for a while so that made things tricky. Grant was very helpful and used Facebook to communicate to the group whilst he was away. Although there was lots of help being given it was still hard as we could not work together in person. We managed to pull through this challenge buy having lots or library dates were we could all work together in our group of 4 and work together on the task. Luckily our group gets on very well so it was easy to get back on track!


Wednesday 15 May 2013

Lesson Planning

Lesson planning was new to our group as we are only in our first year and first semester! 

Although we are new to lesson planning we managed to get quite a good range of lessons. 

We managed to create 6 lessons all different. 

Authentic Learning Task

Our authentic learning task is based around healthy food and physical education. This was chosen as we feel like child obesity is becoming an epidemic over the world but also here in Australia. We are working as a group to develop all of our ideas.

With our Authentic learning task its all about healthy, eating, nutrition and physical education. We are aiming to make this fun and original. Each lesson will be different and engaging for the students. 

Our authentic task will use a variety of resources to make it more interesting such as, power points, interactive white boards and of corse cooking and playing sport.

Whats a wiki?

Before starting this task i had not herd of a "wiki" before. 

After researching and starting the task i relised that a Wiki was a internet page were you can work collabrativly with a team of people so you can add and edit information as you go. In our wiki it took some time to set up. In the Wiki we added each group member in so we all had access to edit and add information to the Wiki. Using the wiki was easy once we got the hang of it. 

We add added ideas and information to the Wiki working as a team. Also once information was added by another group member be all went into the Wiki and checked over things like spelling and punctiation. We can also add any other ideas that seemed relevant. 

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Task 3

These tasks always seem to sneak up on me... But task 3 is here and is the last task for the semester woooo!!!

In this task i have been working in a group with Brennan, Josie and Grant. These are the same group members i had in my last task and i am happy to be with them again :). My group is great and and easy to work with. We all work well as a team and communicate daily via Facebook.

In our group we decided to base task 3 on nutrition and physical exercise. Brennan studies physical education so we thought we would put his extra knowledge to use in this task.

We have been planning lessons that incorporate healthy eating, cooking and nutrition together. We are creating lessons to suit year 4.

We want the students to start making healthy eating choices from a young age and find exercise fun! We are hoping that buy teaching the students at a young age about healthy eating and living it will be able to be incorporated into their daily life and become a natural habit.