Tuesday 5 March 2013


So its week 3! I think...? I am already loosing track of things and to be honest struggling a little bit to keep up! So many readings and assignments. Not to forget all the other things like working, social life and for me looking after the horses. It is so busy!!!! I haven't felt like this for a while and yes, its a slight shock. I need to take a few deep breaths and instead of panicking about every little last thing i have to do i need to just get on with it!!

This week in my technology class we focust on our website and blogs. Now the lecture.... The lecture was a slight let down for me. We watched a lady make a website. This was good i suppose because i got to see how the website was made and they used Jimdo with i hadn't herd of before. But i would of preferred to be shown what is required in our website not so much how to make it.

It does all seem quite simple but i am struggling a bit with the social learner category. I think what i will have to do is just make it and then bring it in next week to show and compare and see if it is at all along the lines of what i am meant to do!!!

I did start a website with Yola but that went down the drain since you had to pay to have another page, which i really need.  so my goal for technology is to perhaps finish my website, so that i can check with Tomaz and my friends to see if they think its along the right line.

Will let you no how i go!

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