Sunday 17 March 2013

Assignment 1 done and dusted!

So i have finished my first assignment for EDN113. I have to say i am feeling relieved that it is over.... This task has taken me quite some time and i'm happy its out of the way! Even though i am sure we will have lots more to come! But i also think that now i have done the first assignment for the unit maybe i am getting the hang of it?

The task has thought me a few things like how to make a website, a blog and simple things like how to save a document as a PDF! I think i have found making the website more handy than the blog. I know a lot of teachers use a blog and share their experiences, but i just cant see my self doing that. Maybe i am old school? I hope to be teaching younger children and i don't think i would be putting 6 year olds on the computer and getting them to do things like make a blog. I just feel they should be technology free for a few years whilst they are young because as soon as they reach the age of about 10 I'm sure they will all be right into the computers!!!

If i was to teach older children then i think i would do a task were they could design a website as i think this is a great thing to do. I like the website idea because i feel like its more useful. It may help them open their eyes to design or advertising or just an easy way to share things with people all over the world!

I just also want to say thank goodness for my friends on completing this task! I don't think i could of done it with out asking for tips and advice but also we did a lot of problem solving as a group and we helped each other though each section. We bought our laptops to uni and each lunch break we would work on our assignments. Its always good to have other people help you and give you advice!

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